CentOS 7: Installation of File Browser using config file

hqs Posted on 2022-11-06 1554 Views

File Browser is a file manager developed using Golang, cross-platform, free and open source, powerful. This article describes how to manually install File Browser on CentOS 7 to familiarize with the File Browser process, customize your needs and avoid problems later.

I also built one in http://file.kokomi.live/ which you can check what is the filebrowser look like. It is also recommended to follow guide in https://filebrowser.org/installation.

Download File Browser


The author provides compiled binaries for each platform in the download address, just download and decompress them according to your platform, no need to compile them, the example will be done in Centos 7.

#DownloadFile Browser
wget https://github.com/filebrowser/filebrowser/releases/download/v2.23.0/linux-amd64-filebrowser.tar.gz
tar -zxvf linux-amd64-filebrowser.tar.gz
#Move to the place your want to put in 
mv filebrowser /usr/sbin

Creat an config file

File Browser supports configuration files in json, toml, yaml, yml formats. Take json format as an example, the command is as follows.

#make an directory for the filebrowser
mkdir /etc/filebrowser/
#creat file 
vim /etc/filebrowser/config.json

Copy the following content and save it to /etc/filebrowser/config.json


The meaning of the above parameter is as follows, please modify it according to your own situation.

address:Listening address
database: database address
log: path to log file
port: the port you need to listen to
root: the directory where you want to read the files
username: user name

Don't worry, it's not finished yet

This author has not provided a description.
Last updated on 2022-11-06